Location: Singapore

31 August 2008

How different are we?

What makes a place unique, that gives it its distinct identity?
Its beauty.
Its landscape.
Its place in the world, a little red dot .

However, we think its the poeple that makes this tiny dot on the world map different. We blend and mix with each other to make this country a peacful place to live. Singapore is a bridge between the east and west for centuries and we think it will always remain this way. It has age-old events that burst with colour and festivity as we celebrate it with one another.

It tells a story of what Singapore has evolved to be; a bright vibrant city of colours and unique experiences. We have been taught that harmony is important in our country because which country will be able to survive without harmony,peace and people?

If you take a stroll in a neighbourhood in our country, you will realise it is vibrant society that has a fusion of many cultures and races. But we're not walking on different paths, we are walking together, hand in hand.

By Navneet


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